Department of Medicine

Division of Critical Care

Division of Critical Care

Critical Care Medicine is a branch of medicine concerned with the provision of life support or organ support systems in patients who are critically ill and who usually require intensive monitoring.

The Division of Critical Care Medicine consists of eleven members who are actively involved in providing patient care services in the Intensive Care Unit at St. Paul's Hospital and Mount St. Joseph's Hospital.

For more information on Critical Care Medicine, please explore this useful website:

UBC Division of Critical Care Medicine

Meet our team!

Contact Information

Division of Critical Care Medicine
Room 3599-2 ICU Decant
3rd Floor Providence Bldg
1081 Burrard Street
Vancouver, B.C., V6Z 1Y6

Admin Assistant: Kaitlyn Mahoney
Telephone: 604-806-9405

Dr. Demetrios Sirounis, Clinical Professor